sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Freezing weather in Spain

Hi dear readers,
I guess you are fully aware of the freezing temperatures that are hitting Spain. I live in Cuenca and the temperature here has reached -6ºC!!It may even snow tomorrow and we may find this beautiful scenery,the Hanging Houses,Cuenca´s must-see monument,surrounded by snow.
Read more about Cuenca here: http://www.travelinginspain.com/cuenca.htm
Apart from this, you can find more info about Europe´s cold snap clicking here http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews/2012/02/120203_witn_cold.shtml
And if you feel like finding out more about extreme weather conditions,listen to 6 minute English here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/sixminute/2012/02/120202_6min_english_scott_story.shtml

2 comentarios:

  1. Wooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The Hanging Houses are always beautiful,but it is very difficult,not impossible,to go up there ,because of the snow and the improvements to the Alfonso VIII Street.It´s worth seeing Cuenca


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