martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Temas exámenes orales EOI B1 y B2

¡Hola a  tod@s!

Seguro que estáis como locos buscando temas que suelen salir en los exámenes orales de las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, pues os voy a ayudar. Si estáis preparando el B1 y B2 de inglés por EOI, los temas que suelen salir son los que vienen en los libros de texto de B1 y B2, los detallo a continuación:

·        Las nuevas tecnologías: internet, móviles, redes sociales

·        El medio ambiente ( formas de ahorrar energía / cuidar del medio ambiente)

·        La televisión y los medios de comunicación

·        Formas de aprendizaje ¿cómo aprendes idiomas? ¿qué métodos te parecen más interesantes? ¿online, presencial, viajando,etc?

·        El trabajo (qué es más importante: salario, condiciones laborales, buen ambiente en el trabajo, horario, etc)

·        Hablar sobre una película o libro

·        El dinero y su importancia ¿da la felicidad?

·        Ventajas y desventajas de vivir en un  pueblo o en una ciudad

·        El EBook  versus el libro tradicional ¿cuál prefieres?

·        Las vacaciones y los viajes (recuerda este post)

·        Los estereotipos, la fama, la educación, los recuerdos, la forma de vida cuando eras pequeño y ahora, la música, el estrés, los hobbies, el deporte, los hábitos de vida saludable, las compras online, los animales, el arte, etc

·        Podéis descargar las pruebas de certificación de otros años, algunas CCAA incluyen la prueba oral y así os hacéis una idea del tipo de preguntas, temas, etc. Click aquí:

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Talk about: British Council

Talk about...........
Learning different languages
Talk about is a great section of “Learn English by the British Council”. This can be very useful in order to prepare for your speaking exam as you can learn vocabulary, expressions as well as improve your listening skills.

And now, listen to Simon talking about how he managed to learn different languages in a fun and easy way. And answer the following question

What is the most effective language learning method for you?

Speaking exam topic: FILMS AND BOOKS

Can you talk about the last film you have seen?
Can you tell me about the last book you have read?
Ok, ok, ok…..let´s face it, going to the cinema is very expensive nowadays and you don´t have  enough time for reading…fair enough but the thing is that these are typical speaking questions you may find in your speaking exam, what can you do, then?
Even if you are not a book worm, you must have read something in your life or maybe you have seen a film based on a book…that may work for both topics. Have you seen The Hunger Games (Los juegos del hambre? It is a book (a trilogy) made into a film, so you can see it and then use it both ways…..
If you are a book worm like me, the problem may be to decide which book summarize and my advice here is that you should choose something easy to talk about, don´t pick something  such as  The New York Trilogy by the great Paul Auster nor Ulises by James Joyce… instead, pick a straightforward  and easy to summarize novel and talk about 
the plot, the genre, the characters, the setting, why you enjoyed or didn´t enjoy it and say something like: It´s a page tuner / I couldn´t put it down
You should do the same in case you have to talk about a film, talk about the plot, setting, characters, genre, soundtrack, nationality, etc…in order to avoid “thinking time”,  prepare something before the exam date and decide which film you are going to talk about. This will save time and you´ll feel more confident.
My last piece of advice: don´t get nervous, we are only teachers and we are human, we just need to check you have learned what we have taught you throughout the academic year so…don´t worry!!!
You´ll be fine J

Click here for a pdf that may help you 

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Speaking topics: Likes and dislikes

Likes and dislikes. How to answer this question: 
What do you like doing in your free time? It´s a typical speaking exam question for basic levels and even for higher ones as it is something you are going to find in real communication, for example when you start a conversation with someone you have just met…
The thing is that students always answer the same typical stuff: I like going to the cinema. I like watching football on TV or I like going out with my friends…. Fair enough but why don´t you try something new and more original by the way?
Verbs and structures
·        It ´s ok if you use “like” but not all the time. You can use: love, hate, enjoy, don´t mind, dislike followed by –ING FORM
*    I enjoy cooking / I love visiting new places
·        You can use all these expressions to mean “I like”: I´m keen on, 
I´m into fashion, I´m fond of, I´m crazy about, I fancy.
*    I like music= I´m into music= I´m fond of music=
I fancy music= I´m keen on music
Be creative
Many candidates say “I like going out with my friends”, 
why don´t you say something different? It doesn´t have to be true!!

I´m really into street art/ I love handglading/ I´m keen on photography; I like taking and developing pictures./ I love volunteering in my free time.
I leave a video by Mr Duncan for more info on the topic.

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013


Hi everyone!

Today, I would like to introduce yet another fantastic tool to improve your pronunciation in English. It is a 10-part interactive pronunciation tutor that introduces students to the sounds of English and to the phonemic chart. You can find it on British Council Learning English Website. Click here:
Another great resource for learning about phonetics is PHONETICS FOCUS from Cambridge English Online.